Board of directors

The Board is the guardian of the purpose for which Beyond Blue was established – its vision, mission, values and beliefs. The Board fulfils its primary role by:

  • appointing and removing the Chief Executive Officer and monitoring performance
  • overseeing the development of, and approving, Beyond Blue's strategic plan
  • supporting the delivery of the strategic plan by ensuring adequate management of resources to achieve agreed corporate and performance objectives
  • providing input into, approving, and monitoring performance against Beyond Blue's annual budget and operating plan
  • monitoring, and where necessary, approving Beyond Blue's compliance with legal and regulatory requirements including external financial reporting
  • recommending to Members the appointment and/or removal of and monitoring the performance and ongoing independence of the auditor of Beyond Blue.

The Board has formally delegated responsibility for the day-to-day operation of Beyond Blue to the Chief Executive Officer and executive management team.

The Board oversees and monitors management’s performance by:

  • meeting at least four times per year
  • receiving detailed financial and other reports from management at these meetings and at other times as required
  • receiving additional information and input from management when necessary
  • assigning authority to the Audit, Finance and Risk Committee (which operates under Terms of Reference approved by the Board) to oversee particular areas of responsibility.

Our board of directors

  • The Honourable Linda Dessau AC CVO

  • Kate Carnell AO FAICD FAIM

  • Georgie Harman 

  • Ms Johanna Griggs AM 

  • Dr Jessica Dean 

  • The Hon. Robert Knowles AO

  • Denise McComish

  • Derek Schoen

  • Professor Helen Milroy AM 

  • Dr Jason Lee

  • Dr Abbe Anderson 

  • Ken Wyatt AM

  • Dayle Stevens OAM 

  • The Hon. Lisa Singh

Illustration of two people in a hot air balloon

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