Consumer Charter of Rights

This Consumer Charter of Rights outlines how you will be treated and what you can expect from us. It also sets out what you can do to assist us and how you can give us feedback on any aspect of our service. 

Your Rights

We talked to people who use our services, and they told us these rights are important to them.

When engaging with us, you have the right to:

  • feel welcomed, accepted and have a sense of belonging
  • be treated with respect
  • be informed about your care and the options available to you
  • make choices and decisions
  • be at the centre of your care
  • have your individual needs recognised;
  • have your identity, and any diversity recognised
  • be treated fairly and without judgement or stigma
  • have trained, skilled and supervised staff supporting you
  • receive consistent, high-quality care
  • receive care that is informed by the latest research, best practice and is evidence based
  • have services provided in safe and positive environments, including electronic environments
  • make a complaint or provide feedback and receive a response
  • be assured your data will be treated with respect and remain private and confidential in line with our Privacy Policy
  • have any risk or incident quickly identified and managed
  • transparency in all aspects of care
  • have us partner closely with you to identify, assess and support your needs
  • be assured our service passes national healthcare quality accreditation standards

How you can help us 

  • Provide us with complete and accurate information about yourself and your situation
  • Act respectfully and safely towards other people using the service, and towards our staff and volunteers
  • Provide us with feedback about our service and how we can work better
  • Share your lived experience stories if comfortable doing so

How you can provide feedback

We value your feedback whether it is on a positive experience you have had with us or on how we can improve Beyond Blue services.

We also want to know if you are not happy with the service you have received or believe you have not been treated fairly and reasonably by us or by someone delivering services on our behalf.

You can give us this feedback by:

If you are not happy with how we handle your complaint, you may contact an Independent Health Complaints agency here or the Ombudsman in your State or Territory. 

About us and what we believe

Beyond Blue provides services to the community to improve mental health and make it easier for people to feel better earlier, get well and stay well. Beyond Blue’s values underpin all of our work, and our way of operating. 

Our values are:

  • Respect – We treat others with respect and dignity, and believe diversity is important.
  • Integrity – We act with honesty, integrity and transparency
  • Excellence – We strive continually for excellence
  • Innovation – We encourage innovative ideas and approaches
  • Enthusiasm – We are passionate about enjoying life and work
  • Collaboration – We work willingly with others to collaborate and share knowledge.

You can find information about our services on our website or by asking one of our staff [or volunteers].

Our commitment to partnering

We will ensure you are aware of and understand the services we provide. We are committed to supporting people to make choices and participate in decisions about their care.

We encourage care recipients to participate in, and exercise choice in the way our care is designed, delivered and governed.

We make every effort to be inclusive and we strive for equity in all our services.

By engaging with our community, Beyond Blue can make sure our services, policies and programs are safe and effective.  


Illustration of two people in a hot air balloon

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