Complaints and Feedback

To improve our service, we value your feedback.  As such, the below describes the process to submit feedback and/or how to log a complaint.

We take complaints and feedback very seriously.  They help us to improve our service to make it better for the community we serve.

What is a Complaint?

A complaint is a statement, or an implication that something is unsatisfactory or unacceptable. You can send us a complaint if you are unhappy with the service or support you have received for any reason. 

Complaint management is important so that we as an organisation can address the specific needs of service users and their supporters, using deidentified information to improve services for everyone.

Complaints are not the same as feedback.

When to make a complaint

  • If you think you have been treated unfairly
  • You are not happy with the service we have provided
  • Something or someone makes you unhappy

How to make a complaint

  • Speaking to an employee
  • Phoning (03) 9810 6100
  • Online form (below)
  • In writing at GPO Box 1883 Melbourne, VIC 3001

What is Feedback?

Feedback is a suggestion or a compliment.  You can provide feedback if you’d like to provide our service with information related to:


  • something we have done that has left you feeling happy and/or supported
  • you providing information on how we might be able to do something better
  • something you would like us to consider

When to provide feedback

  • When something has gone well and/or makes you happy
  • When we can do something better

How to provide feedback

  • Speaking to an employee
  • Phoning (03) 9810 6100
  • Online form here
  • In writing at GPO Box 1883 Melbourne, VIC 3001

    Making an anonymous complaint

    If you’d like to remain anonymous that is okay.  Your complaint will still be processed in line with our complaints procedure, however you should be aware that we may not be able to investigate the complaint in its entirety as we have no way of contacting you if we require further information.

Complaints form

What we do when we receive a complaint 


We take your complaints very seriously. All complaints are treated the same and follow the same process in line with our complaints procedure. They will be investigated and escalated as necessary to internal departments. 


What you can expect after the complaint is investigated 


If you have provided details to be contacted, you can expect an acknowledgement of receipt between 24 and 72 hours.  Following this, the complaint is investigated and you will be notified of an outcome on completion of the investigation if you have requested to be contacted.


Where to go if you are not happy with how we have handled your complaint 


If you are unhappy with how Beyond Blue has handled your complaint or the outcome, you can contact an external agency here


Your privacy 


Your privacy is important to us.  All information shared by you remains confidential.  Your details are not shared with anyone else and are only used in relation to the complaint.  All personal information is de-identified if the information is used to improve our services. You can find out more about our privacy policy here

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