Product Information for the Support Service

Name of service provider: Remedy HealthCare, contracted provider for Beyond Blue 

Date of last service update: March 2024

Date this form was completed: 10/05/2024


Is this service for me? 

This service offers support for all people in Australia experiencing psychological distress and/or symptoms of anxiety and depression.  The service is free, available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and offers single session brief counselling with a focus on distress reduction and is delivered over the phone, via webchat or email.

The service is delivered by trained and qualified counsellors and mental health coaches who receive ongoing supervision and training.

The service can be accessed by calling 1300 224 636 or via the Beyond Blue website or webchat and can be accessed anonymously.

The service user chooses how and when they engage with the support service, this means they can include carer, family or support person to work with them to use the service when and if they deem it necessary.


Will I benefit if I use this service? 

The service’s Model of Care is based on best practice and the latest available evidence regarding brief intervention in supporting people to reduce psychological distress.

Although not endorsed by a government or professional body, Beyond Blue reports to Federal, State and Territory government in line with their funding commitments.


Could this service do me harm? 


There have been no adverse events that have been reported following use of the service.

There is a complaints process that can be accessed with any concerns or complaints regarding the service here. 


Should I trust this service? 

The support service is funded entirely by donations from the public. Beyond Blue is a registered charity and maintains its obligations with Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission (ACNC).


Is the service easy to use? Will I keep using it? 

Community codesign and constant community feedback provides insights to continually improve the accessibility of the service and ease of use. The service offers inclusive supports such as translation and national relay services.

Most contacts to the service are expected to last around 20 minutes with the aim for users to see results, in the form of distress reduction within that session.

Lived experience has been used to develop the service and continues to be involved in service improvement activities.

Based on feedback taken to measure the Net Promoter Score (NPS), most users would recommend the support service to others.

Your interaction may stay solely with the support service, however, should more specialised support be required, the Support Service may refer you to other health services such as your local mental health triage, emergency services or more localised support depending on your needs.


Who will have access to my personal data? 

The service may collect the following information: Preferred name, mobile number, age, postcode, if you are of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background and gender identity.


Beyond Blue holds non identifiable data, however demographics are collected and stored by service provider Remedy who holds private and sensitive information.  The data is owned by Beyond Blue with  Remedy collecting it on Beyond Blue’s behalf.  Remedy stores personal Information and sensitive Information in Australia.


Information is only shared when consented by the consumer and for referral purposes. Information may also be shared where there is a duty of care or clinical need, such as escalating to third parties or emergency services, or if there is a legal request and/or subpoena. 


A service user may share transcripts by downloading a copy of the webchat transcript or requesting a copy of the phone call transcript.


All data stored at Beyond Blue is deidentified.  Remedy will not store unsolicited personal or sensitive information that is not required, however, often are unable to delete such information, particularly where it forms part of correspondence, phone records or other interactions not needed to be retained. Deletion in such circumstances is generally not reasonable or practicable.

If personal information is no longer needed for a business purpose and the legal retention period for keeping this information has passed, Remedy will either destroy or de-identify this information.

Remedy Healthcare and Beyond Blue are committed to ensuring that personal information is protected in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and other applicable laws in relation to the handling of that information.


The latest versions of respective privacy policies, which contain more information about privacy practices can be found below:

Remedy Healthcare

Beyond Blue


Support Service privacy collection statement - Beyond Blue



Data Usage


(Webchat) - text only based sessions use a relatively small amount of data, i.e.  (a few kilobytes (KB) of data per message).



Who can I contact with questions or concerns about this service? 


How can I contact the service provider? Online through feedback via our contact us page here


Where can I go if I have concerns about this service? Directly to Beyond Blue.


For privacy/security issues contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC)


For complaints against a health service contact your state or territory health complaints organisation organisations.aspx


For complaints against an individual registered health professional contact the Australian Health Practitioners Regulatory Authority (AHPRA)


For complaints about misleading claims contact Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) consumer-complaint


This document is based on the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care’s Product Information Template for digital mental health services.ShapeYou can find more information on the NSQDMH Standards at:



Product Information for New Access 

Name of service provider: New Access 

Date of last service update: March 2024

Date this form was completed: 11/04/2024 


Is this service for me? 

This service offers help with supporting people who may be feeling stressed or overwhelmed about the day-to-day challenges such as issues with work, family, relationships, or financial worries. It is an early intervention service for people with mild to moderate symptoms of depression and /or anxiety.

NewAccess is intended for anyone aged 12 years and over or 16 years or older in some regions. However, a person may not be eligible if they are already seeing a psychologist or psychiatrist, or they are dealing with severe or complex mental health issues. 

NewAccess is based on the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) program from the United Kingdom, now called Talking Therapies for anxiety and depression program. NewAccess is an evidence based, guided self-help program in which people are supported by trained and clinically supervised mental health coaches who deliver low-intensity Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (LiCBT).

New Access is delivered by trained and clinically supervised mental health coaches. Coaches have a range of backgrounds and represent various demographics. They are recruited for compassionate and effective communication skills and their ability to work within the parameters of a highly prescribed governance and clinical safety framework. Many have lived experience of depression or anxiety. Coaches are specifically trained to deliver LiCBT and receive ongoing clinical supervision from clinicians.

This service is delivered face to face, over the phone or through video chat. It is available Monday to Friday from 9:00am to 5:00pm.  Although the service cannot be accessed anonymously, it is a confidential service and free of charge. To access the service there is no referral needed from a general practitioner, the service can be self-referred to, via the Beyond Blue website. Carers and support people can help through this self-referral process and treatment process with your consent.


Will I benefit if I use this service? 

The service model reproduces the key features of the reputable Talking Therapies program and    aligns with the evidence-based guidelines produced by National Institute for Health and Care   Excellence (NICE) for depression and anxiety. The evidence base draws on the principles of LiCBT, a form of CBT and is designed to meet the needs of people who present with symptoms associated with high prevalence conditions, such as mild to moderate depression and/or anxiety.  It has been independently evaluated three times since 2010.

The service is funded by the Commonwealth Department of Treasury and Primary Health Networks (PHNs), national commissioning organisations, funded by the Commonwealth Department of Health. It has been also funded by the Victorian government for statewide service coverage.


Could this service do me harm? 

The service is designed for early intervention and for mild to moderate symptoms of anxiety and depression; there is no evidence for the use of the service in severe mental health.  The service is not intended for acute or severe symptoms associated with depression and or anxiety.

The service is an exclusively low intensity service. This means that when a client requires higher intensity services, they are referred to an appropriate service.



Should I trust this service? 

Beyond Blue owns the intellectual property rights of the Service. Since August 2013, Beyond Blue has retained exclusive ownership of the NewAccess name (trademarked – No. 1769023) and materials, including Intellectual Property Rights. Beyond Blue provides a Deed of Licence to service providers for delivery of the NewAccess. When funders or commissioners such as PHNs request Beyond Blue to deliver NewAccess they acquire an exclusive royalty free licence and a comprehensive program package from Beyond Blue for the duration of the funding/license period. The program package comprises of four areas of support from Beyond Blue – quality assurance, program management, risk management and marketing and engagement.

The Service is not designed to make money but rather to provide free accessible support to the service to prevent the onset of more severe mental health conditions.


Is the service easy to use? Will I keep using it? 

Since its inception, the NewAccess delivery model has been independently evaluated on several occasions. Those reviews have demonstrated that NewAccess is aligned with the Talking Therapies program, low intensity CBT and NICE Guidelines evidence-bases.


Users are entitled to a maximum of eight one-on-one coaching sessions consisting of an initial assessment and five sessions over seven weeks, followed by further contact sessions at one and six months.


The time to get results from the service is dependent on the individual’s needs and reason for accessing the service, however some users experience improvement and/or recovery from their symptoms after 1 or 2 sessions.


People with lived experience in mental health have assisted in the development of the program since its inception. The coach workforces who deliver treatment are employed on their lived experience or experience with their community. Other users consistently provide positive feedback in relation to their experience and positive outcomes from using the service. 


The service operates within the mental health stepped-care framework and is integrated into the health care system. People can be stepped up if they require more intensive treatment and support or stepped down from more intensive services. The coach, in consultation with the clinical supervisor, may review the options to “step up” a person to a more appropriate or higher intensity service at any time, from enquiry to completion.



Who will have access to my personal data? 


The NewAccess service utilises a web-based client case management system that provides real-time information on client outcomes, clinical supervision, coach/client contact activity levels and treatment plans. 


 Data collected at intake includes:


  • Referral data (date/source/reason for referral) 
  • Client detail (full name, DOB, gender, address, phone number, contact permissions)
  • Alternate contact person (name, number)
  • Client preferences (coach / language / interpreter required / face to face or phone preference)
  • Appointment detail (date / time / location / coach / text appointment reminder)
  • Administration detail of appointment


Data captured by coaches and supervisors:


  • Client demographic details
  • Outcome measures, recovery rates, risk alerts and client treatment trends
  • Client details including use of medications, possible diagnosis, other services the client is accessing and information regarding their symptoms
  • Client management capacity incorporating note recording against appointments, telephone calls and other client interactions
  • Client treatment plans
  • Calendar functionality for client appointment booking at a Coach and location level
  • Management of coaching episodes
  • Documentation upload and letter creation
  • Comprehensive reporting for performance management and evaluation purposes


The data collected through this service is owned by the NewAccess Service Provider.

With the exception of NewAccess staff, information will only be shared with people the participant specifically nominates. In the event that the coach feels there is a risk to the client or others then there is a duty of care to share information with appropriate services.


The NewAccess program is supported through the use of a purpose-built client case management system used by coaches, supervisors and service managers. Data is captured via this electronic database (client case management system) and is password and username protected with access enabled to NewAccess staff only.


Information and results can be shared with a program participant at their request, they would be required to request this information from the Service Provider. The Service does not use personal devices to receive or forward personal information.


People using the service can request access to data collected and stored during the course of the service. Beyond Blue has a data sharing and privacy policy that is used to protect personal information.



Data Usage


There are no data requirements to use this service.



Who can I contact with questions or concerns about this service? 


How can I contact the service provider? The service is delivered through a range of services and PHNs that can be contacted directly.  Beyond Blue can be contacted directly via their website


Where can I go if I have concerns about this service? Directly to Beyond Blue.

For privacy/security issues contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC)


For complaints against a health service contact your state or territory health complaints organisation organisations.aspx


For complaints against an individual registered health professional contact the Australian Health Practitioners Regulatory Authority (AHPRA)


For complaints about misleading claims contact Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) consumer-complaint


This document is based on the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care’s Product Information Template for digital mental health services.ShapeYou can find more information on the NSQDMH Standards at:



Product Information for Online Forums 

Name of service provider: Online Forums for Beyond Blue

Date of last service update: March 2024

Date this form was completed:15/04/2024


Is this service for me? 

This service is intended for all people within Australia experiencing psychological distress or symptoms of anxiety and/or depression or their carers and support people.

The service offers online peer to peer discussion forums where consumers can seek and provide early intervention mental health support to each other.

The service involves moderators who review posts of concern and escalate to health professionals if and when required.  The service also uses people with lived experience to monitor and facilitate peer discussion.

The service is free and available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and can be accessed through the Beyond Blue website and can be accessed anonymously.

The service user chooses how and when they engage with the online forums, this means they can include carer, family or support person to work with them to use the service when and if they deem it necessary.


Will I benefit if I use this service? 


The service’s Model of Care is based on best practice and the latest available evidence regarding peer support and the use of lived experience in supporting people with psychological distress.


Although not endorsed by a government or professional body, Beyond Blue reports to Federal, State and Territory government in line with their funding commitments.



Could this service do me harm? 

Service users may need to use their own discretion when engaging with forum posts that have the potential to be challenging to engage with for those with a similar lived experience. There are guidelines on the website that provide details of respectful use.  Beyond Blue maintains the right to remove posts and threads that are potentially harmful, and moderation oversees the safety of all users posting.

To date, there have been no adverse events that have been reported following use of the service.

There is a complaints process that can be accessed with any concerns or complaints regarding the service here.


Should I trust this service? 

Beyond Blue is a registered charity and receives a mix of funding from donations as well as State, Territory and Federal governments. Part of this funding is used to deliver the online forums service.


Is the service easy to use? Will I keep using it? 

Although there is no independent research on the ease of use of the service, feedback around accessibility is used in continuous improvement of the service.  

Time spent using the service is dependent on the user’s needs and level of engagement. To get results from the service is also dependent on the particular circumstances of the service user and their reason for engaging. Posts that are critical in nature and therefore escalated for further support by a health professional are responded to within 30 minutes.

People with lived experience are involved in the development and continuous improvement of the service. Feedback from other users of the service suggests that it is helpful, positive and inspiring, that they do not feel alone with the ability to learn from others’ lived experience. 

This service links to the Beyond Blue Support Service in situations where escalations are required.


Who will have access to my personal data? 

In order to use the service, the service user may remain anonymous or use a pseudonym, however an IP address is collected alongside browser and device information.  With the service user’s approval other data that may be collected includes name, date of birth, contact details, email, information about health and medical history. Telecommunications data and information on website usage may still be collected without approval however any data collected is de-identified. This data is owned by Beyond Blue.

Aggregate anonymised data is shared with the Federal, State and Territory governments to demonstrate the service’s effectiveness and to show the outcomes we are being funded for are being achieved. In cases where there is immediate and/or urgent concern for the wellbeing of the user, our third-party provider Remedy will receive only the required data to support an outbound welfare check.

Any information collected is stored in Australia and the United States (email and pseudonym only). As of August 2024, all data will be stored in Australia only.

The service users account may be deleted but any posts made prior to the deletion will remain on the forums with the avatar removed and display name changed to "Guest".  Due to the volume of posts, Beyond Blue is unable to remove the display name from posts made by others in response to the service users posts.

Beyond Blue has a privacy policy that outlines what measures are in place to protect personal information.


Data Usage

Based on an hour browsing a forum estimated usage would be between 70-110 megabytes (MB)


Who can I contact with questions or concerns about this service? 


How can I contact the service provider? Beyond Blue website contact us form 

Where can I go if I have concerns about this service? Directly to Beyond Blue.


For privacy/security issues contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC)


For complaints against a health service contact your state or territory health complaints organisation organisations.aspx


For complaints against an individual registered health professional contact the Australian Health Practitioners Regulatory Authority (AHPRA)


For complaints about misleading claims contact Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) consumer-complaint


This document is based on the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care’s Product Information Template for digital mental health services.ShapeYou can find more information on the NSQDMH Standards at:



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