1 in 2 people in Australia will face a mental health challenge in their life.

That means almost half the people you know may be feeling lonely, depressed or anxious... and fighting to find a way out.

Your monthly donation helps make sure that Beyond Blue can always be there — 24/7, rain, hail or shine — to answer every distress call we receive.

Become a monthly giver today, and help keep the lights on for anyone in distress.

Join the Lighthouse.

Help ensure anyone feeling lost, hopeless or alone know their call can be answered.

Join the Lighthouse

Why monthly?

As a member of the Lighthouse, you’ll be joining a village of people who have seen the pain caused by anxiety, depression and even suicide, and they’re determined to make sure no-one has to suffer alone.

Every month, your gift helps ensure everyone who reaches out to Beyond Blue can access the expert support they need, when they need it.

Your gift will help:

Ensure anyone in Australia can call or webchat with a trained counsellor - at any time.

Provide immediate, free, confidential and professional counselling, 24/7.

Make sure everyone receives the support they need to get well and stay well.

Shape a society that accepts and understands  mental heath.

By giving monthly, you'll know you're making a difference every minute of every day.

A beacon of hope

As a Lighthouse member, you will light the way to a society where everyone can achieve their best mental health.

You’ll be a driving force in the push to create a mentally healthy Australia.

  • Your understanding will help more people understand how to look after their mental health.
  • Your support will help more people access support earlier, before crisis point.
  • Your kindness will help more people feel connected, so they are never alone.

Why the 'Lighthouse'?

Beyond Blue is a beacon. A big, blue pillar of hope.

We’ve been sending a light out into the dark for over 24 years.

It’s a signal of safety. A reminder that all is not lost.

But to keep that light shining around the clock - come rain, hail or shine - it takes a dedicated village. A team of lamp lighters, hope holders, torch bearers.

People who’ve face the storm before, and know the way back.

People like you.
Yes, I want to join the Lighthouse
Illustration of two people in a hot air balloon

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