Workplace Payroll Giving

Workplace giving is a great way to support Beyond Blue. Also known as payroll giving, this program allows staff to donate part of their pre-tax salary. Companies then match to double the impact.

By signing up to support Beyond Blue through workplace giving, you'll be helping to improve the lives of three million people in Australia affected by anxiety, depression and suicide.
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Your contribution no matter how big or small has an impact.

Thank you for your interest in supporting Beyond Blue through workplace giving.

Workplace giving

"Support Beyond Blue through workplace giving and help save lives"
Start payroll giving
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Our team members chose Beyond Blue as one of their nominated charities in recognition that anxiety and depression are significant issues within our community, and this was an area they want to make a difference to and actively support."

Robyn Batson, Sussan Group


Setting up donations

There are three ways you can set up Workplace Giving for your organisation.

To set up workplace giving at your organisation, all you need to do is set up payroll donations and then encourage your staff to sign up. We have a range of specially designed resources for use on your internal communication channels to help encourage staff sign ups. Please contact us at for the resources.

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Good2Give platform

Using the Good2Give platform provides an easy to navigate and streamlined process for your payroll team and staff. You will find further set up instructions via their website.

Staff are able to create accounts, choose a charity and donation amount and manage their contributions themselves.

The use of a third-party platform does however incur a fee, unlike bank transfers.

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Goodcompany platform

The Goodcompany platform provides an easy 3 step simple workplace giving solution, where you can sign up to create your unique portal address, customise your page including adding your logo and company colours, and review your payment plan or options.

The use of a third-party platform does however incur a fee, unlike bank transfers.

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Bank transfers

You can set up your Workplace Giving program internally through regular bank transfers that coincide with your pay cycle.

For assistance with this, we suggest visiting the ATO website, Workplace Giving Australia or 1 Million Donors. Paying via bank transfer means that you don’t have to worry about fees incurred by third party platforms.

In order to set up a bank transfer, please fill out this enquiry form. Once you have completed the form you will receive the deposit details.

Business donations and fundraising

To make a business donation (this does not include company matching for payroll giving) please use our online donor form or contact Alternatively, if you're interested in fundraising for us, find more information on our fundraising website.

Individual employees

If you are an employee wondering how you can sign up or get your workplace on board, we recommend speaking to your HR or Payroll team. If your organisation does not already have a program set up, you can refer them to the information provided above.

Your impact

Every month, thousands of people reach out to Beyond Blue for advice, support and information. Your donations go directly towards funding our Support Service so these calls don’t go unanswered.

In the 2019-20 financial year, 273,845 people contacted our Support Service.

By supporting Beyond Blue, you are joining a community that is working to reduce the stigma, prejudice and discrimination that act as barriers to people reaching out for support.

Thank you for being part of our community.
Diagram illustrating the impact of Beyond Blue services and resources. 3 in 4 people took positive action within three days of making contact.
Since 2015, Qantas has been proud to work with Beyond Blue to reduce the stigma and bias around mental illness through the sharing of Beyond Blue learning opportunities and resources to our employees and customers.



FAQs for employers

  • What are the benefits of workplace giving?

  • What is workplace giving?

  • Why do companies match employee workplace giving donations?

FAQs for employees

  • What are the benefits of workplace giving?

  • What happens if I change jobs?

  • Why workplace giving?

ACNC Registered Charity Logo

Beyond Blue is registered as a charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC). Eligible tax-deductible donations have Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status with the Australian Tax Office.
Illustration of two people in a hot air balloon

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