Get mental health support
We all have good days and bad days. Then there are those days when something isn't quite right, you've got something on your mind, or things just seem too much.
It can make a real difference having someone to talk to. To hear what you have to say. And to give you advice.
Our free mental health services help connect you to that person.
Talk or chat online to a counsellor
If you’re going through a hard time right now, the Beyond Blue Support Service is available 24/7 for brief counselling.
Our counsellors will listen and help you find the extra mental health help you need.
Get free, confidential counselling (local call costs apply):
Accessibility and language support are available for telephone counselling.
If you don’t need to talk to a counsellor right now, but you have a question about mental health resources, you can email our Beyond Blue Support Service. We’ll reply to you within 24 hours.
Get 6 free sessions with a mental health coach
Stressed or overwhelmed about everyday life issues?
Our NewAccess mental health coaching program may be right for you if you’re not currently seeing a psychologist or psychiatrist.
Mental health coaches give you the tools to care for your mental health. This can include everyday issues like work, study, relationships, health or loneliness.
Learn what happens when you get mental health support
Maybe you feel uncomfortable talking about your thoughts and feelings. Maybe you think your situation isn’t bad enough or you don’t want to be a burden.
The mental health care community is made up of caring, non-judgmental professionals and people – just like you – at all stages of their journey to recovery.
We’re here to support you.
Support is available

Look after your mental health and wellbeing
- get good quality sleep
- keep active
eat well
establish a good routine
stay connected.
Related information
- National mental health helplines and support groups – the Australian mental health community is here to help you
- Check your mental health – complete one of our simple tools to see how you’re tracking.
- Anxiety – signs, symptoms and treatment
- Depression – signs, symptoms and treatment
- Suicide prevention – resources and information
A government agency called the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in HealthCare wrote the Digital Mental Health Standards to help people identify high quality digital mental health services. They worked with people who use digital mental health, mental health experts and industry to make sure that accredited services pay attention to the things that keep services safe.An accredited service keeps your information private and they will ask for your feedback to make the service better. They also make sure their services are based on strong evidence.
A service gets accredited by an approved agency that has been trained to check for safety and quality issues. They check evidence to show the service meets the Digital MentalHealth Standards so you can know that the service keeps people safe. The Commission has more information on the Digital Mental Health Standards and what accreditation means.