Mentally healthy work and why it matters
- Protect against risks to mental health. Mentally healthy work prevents harm to your mental health. Among other things, this means fair workloads. Fair work practices. And a safe environment.
- Promote wellbeing and the positive aspects of work. Mentally healthy work means things such as fairness, inclusion, and employee development. Good culture thrives from good work.
- Support people with poor mental health. In a mentally healthy workplace, your mental health is prioritised. Awareness, capability, commitment, and meaningful support exist. To help workers feel better, earlier.
Key facts - mental health at work
- Nearly 1 in 5 people experience poor mental health each year. Nearly half of us will experience poor mental health during our lives.
- Many people spend a third of their lives at work.
- Poor mental health costs the Australian economy from $12.2 to 22.5 billion each year (according to the Australian Government Productivity Commission).
- Work is a key setting to improve and support mental health.
- improves productivity
- improves commercial outcomes
- helps attract and retain staff.
Research has shown that investment in mental health has a positive return on investment. This can range from an average of $2.30 upwards for each dollar invested.
Learn more about this research on the Mentally Healthy Workplaces website
Auslan: Not Alone Podcast – Cliff’s Story
What influences mental health at work
- clarity on what you’re doing
- the effort required (job demands)
- fair treatment
- good support
- how work is recognised and rewarded
- your environment
- your relationships and dealings with people (including clients or the public)
- having the training, skills and tools to perform your work
- communication and change at work
- exposure to traumatic events or information.
Learn more about what influences your mental health at work on the SafeWork Australia website.
Non-work contributors to mental health
- At work, our mental health can also be impacted by non-work factors, such as money, relationships, personality, life experiences and other life events. Learn about financial wellbeing and mental health.
- Around 1 in 2 people in Australia will struggle with mental ill health during their life. If you’re recovering from or managing a mental health condition, work can play an important role. Find ways to manage poor mental health at work.
Building a mentally healthy workplace
Good work design
‘Work design’ includes your work tasks and activities. The people you interact with. The responsibilities you have. And how all of those things are organised.Work design can influence how you feel at work. Poor work design can add frustration, stress, or boredom. Good work design can help you feel clear, organised and able to deliver.
Learn more about good work design on the Comcare website.
Find examples of work design on the Centre for Transformative Work Design website.
Practical tools to improve mental health at work
The National Workplace Initiative helps people navigate the range of tools and resources in Australia for mental health at work.Explore the tools and resources on the Mentally Healthy Workplaces portal.
Learn more about the National Workplace Initiative.
The key to change
- commitment from leadership
- participation for everyone
- ongoing communication.
Supporting someone at work
If you're concerned about someone at work, talk to them.
When it comes to the actual conversation, there's no one ‘right way’ to express things. What matters is that you’re thoughtful and genuine.
Rights and obligations
In Australia, there are protections and responsibilities relating to mental health in discrimination, privacy, and work health and safety laws.
Work health and safety
Workplace health and safety (WHS) laws require work to be reasonably safe for all. This includes measuring and managing risks to mental health.
Learn more about WHS and mental health on the SafeWork Australia website.
You can find links to your local Work Health and Safety Regulator at the bottom of this page.
Disability discrimination laws make it unlawful to discriminate against people with disabilities, including mental health conditions.
Discrimination includes both direct and indirect actions. So not making reasonable adjustments to support your needs can be a type of discrimination.
Find information about the Disability Discrimination Act on the Australian Human Right Commission website.
Learn about reasonable adjustments.
The Fair Work Act prohibits an employer from taking action against a worker for discriminatory reasons.
Learn more about protection from discrimination at work on the Fair Work Ombudsman website.
Under Australian privacy law, a worker’s personal information is generally protected and can only be shared in certain circumstances. This includes information about your mental health.
Find information about workplace privacy on the Fair Work Ombudsman website