Sleep and mental health
If you’re regularly struggling to get a good night’s sleep and feeling the impacts the next day, you’re not alone. About 40% of Australians regularly experience poor sleep. There are things you can try that will help.
On this page
Some factors affecting your sleep are beyond your control...
- difficult life events or stress caused by things such as financial pressure, work demands or unemployment, and relationship issues
- upcoming events you may be excited or nervous about
- pregnancy and caring responsibilities
- shift work
- menopause and aging
- physical discomfort or pain caused by injury or illness
- mental health conditions
- sleep disorders such as sleep apnoea
Benefits of sleep
Good sleep supports both your mental and physical health. There is no magic number for how many hours of sleep you should get. Most adults need about 7 to 9 hours every night but it varies from person to person.
When you get the amount of sleep your body needs, it can help you to:
- improve your mood
- manage stress
- retain memories
- think more quickly and clearly
- feel energised
- stay physically healthy thanks to a strengthened immune system
- recover from and prevent injuries.
Watch the 'How to sleep well and improve mental health' webinar
Our panel:
- Dr. Luke Martin (Host)
- Dr. Norman Swan
- Dr. Moira Junge
- Carina Bates
During the day
- feeling tired, flat or exhausted
- difficulty managing your emotions
- poor concentration
- irritability or increased sensitivity
- aches and pains
- feeling run down.
Increased anxiety at night
Signs you may be experiencing heightened anxiety at night include:
- finding it difficult to calm down
- feeling unable to control your anxious thoughts or worries
- catastrophic thinking, or dwelling on every possible negative outcome, including the negative impacts of not getting enough sleep
- physical restlessness and fidgeting
- tightness in the chest and shortness of breath.
1. Regular physical activity
Being active throughout the day can help tire your body to prepare it for sleep. Although make sure to leave 1-2 hours between exercise and bedtime to allow your body to wind down.
2. Morning sunlight to set your body clock
3. Limit naps
4. Reduce caffeine, alcohol and smoking before bed
5. Allow yourself to wind down
6. Be consistent with your bedtime
7. Set a digital curfew
Avoid screens by turning your phone off or on 'do not disturb' at least 30 minutes before going to sleep. Consider leaving your device in another room. Screen light and apps are designed to trigger hormones in your brain that keep you alert, as can engaging online content.
8. Make your bedroom your sanctuary
9. Leave your worries out of the bedroom
10. Get out of bed if you can’t sleep
11. Try not to watch the clock
Sleep meditation and mindfulness exercises
Sleep meditation, mindfulness and breathing techniques can help you fall asleep faster by calming racing thoughts, letting go of daily stress and easing you into sleep.
Seek professional support
If you are experiencing ongoing trouble getting to, or staying asleep, support from a health professional can help. Visiting your GP can be a good place to start, or you can check out the list of mental health professionals on our website.
Find a mental health professional
Sleep and anxiety or depression
Struggling to fall asleep, difficulty staying asleep and oversleeping can also be symptoms of anxiety or depression.
- Anxiety can make it difficult to calm down, can cause you to feel more tired than usual and is a known cause of sleep disturbances.
- Depression can cause you to feel constantly tired and can also lead to oversleeping.
Further resources
General information
- Sleep Health Foundation – Facts sheets by Australia’s leading advocacy organisation for sleep health in the community.
- Centre for Clinical Interventions – sleep information and self-help workbooks
- Wellmob – Sleep resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Sleep programs for adults
- This Way Up: Managing Insomnia – a free, 4-lesson online CBT-Insomnia program
- Let’s Yarn About Sleep – Culturally responsive programs for First Nations Peoples and health professionals to better understand sleep health and how to provide high quality care.
For children and young people
- Raising Children Network – Sleep problems and solutions for children and teenagers.
- Sleep Ninja - a free, smartphone app by the Black Dog Institute shown to be effective in helping young people with sleep problems.
- Reach Out – tips and peer support for getting a good night’s sleep
- Smiling Mind Sleep for Families program – evidence-based activities and strategies to establish good sleep routines and support a better night’s sleep for the whole family.